Maybe-Mathematical Musings

Math, Teaching, Literature, and Life

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A Neat Argument For the Uniqueness of $e^x$

August 09, 2018

In my advanced Calculus 1 class I teach a quick unit on differential equations. We don’t have the tools to solve them since we haven’t done integrals, but I talk about what differential equations are and how you can check whether you have a solution.

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Working Backwards

August 06, 2018

I teach a lot of students who are still learning the basics of proof-writing. My calculus students are seeing their first college math, and often my number theory class is the first really proof-heavy class that a lot of the students take. So I spend a lot of time helping students figure out how to write good proofs. The single best piece advice I’ve come up with is to get comfortable working backwards.

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Asking the Right Question

July 19, 2018

I’ve been poking around on math reddit lately, and in particular /r/askmath and /r/learnmath. And one thing I’ve really noticed is that many of the posters are really bad at asking questions.

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Why Word Problems?

June 27, 2018

Why do we assign word problems in math classes?

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Course Goals

June 20, 2018

When I started teaching my own courses, one of the less obvious things I had to figure out was how to structure my syllabi. One section that all the syllabi I looked at contained—and all the advice I read mentioned—was the section on “course goals.”

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