Maybe-Mathematical Musings

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An Overview of Bayesian Inference

February 20, 2019

A few weeks ago I wrote about Kuhn’s theory of paradigm shifts and how it relates to Bayesian inference. In this post I want to back up a little bit and explain what Bayesian inference is, and eventually rediscover the idea of a paradigm shift just from understanding how Bayesian inference works.

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Paradigms and Priors

January 15, 2019

Scott Alexander at Slate Star Codex has been blogging lately about Thomas Kuhn and the idea of paradigm shifts in science. This is a topic near and dear to my heart, so I wanted to take the opportunity to share some of my thoughts and answer some questions that Scott asked in his posts.

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Numerical Semigroups and Delta Sets

January 05, 2019

In this post I want to outline my main research project, which involves non-unique factorization in numerical semigroups. I’m going to define semigroups and numerical semigroups; explain what non-unique factorization means; define the invariant I study, called the delta set; and talk about some of the specific questions I’m interested in.

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The difference between science and engineering

August 29, 2018

I've noticed that people regularly get confused, on a number of subjects, by the difference between science and engineering. In summary: science is sensitive and finds facts; engineering is robust and gives praxis. Many problems happen when we confuse science for engineering and completely modify our praxis based on the results of a couple of studies in an unsettled area.

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An easier approach to partial fractions decomposition

August 16, 2018

I always found partial fraction decomposition incredibly annoying and tedious. But it turns out there's a much easier way to compute it. (I learned this a couple years ago from Chris Towse).

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