Math 1232: Single-Variable Calculus II
Section 11
Spring 2021

Contact Info
Spring 2021

Office: Blackboard

Office Hours:

Course Information



TA Office Hours:

Official textbook:

Other references:


Section 33:

Section 34:

Section 35:

Daily Assignments

May 4: It’s over!

Week 15 Office hours

April 30: Mastery Quiz 13 Due
April 28: Request Mastery Topics

Week 14

April 23: Mastery Quiz 12 due
April 22: Fun with Series


April 21: WeBWorK due
April 20: Polar Coordinates


Week 13

April 16: Mastery Quiz 11 due
April 8: Parametric Coordinates


April 14: WeBWorK due
April 13: Applications of Taylor Series


Week 12

April 9: Mastery Quiz 10 due
April 8: Computing Taylor series


April 7: WeBWorK due
April 6: Taylor Series


Week 11

April 2: Mastery Quiz 9 due
April 1: Power Series as Functions


March 31: WeBWorK due
March 30: Power Series


Week 10

March 26: Mastery Quiz 8 due
March 25: Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root tests


March 24: WeBWorK due
March 23: Comparision Test and Alternating Series


Spring Break

Week 9

March 12: Mastery Quiz 7 due
March 11: The Integral Test


March 10: WeBWorK due
March 9: Series


Week 8

March 5: WeBWorK not due today

Got it up late so I just made the whole thing due next Tuesday.

March 4: Sequences


March 2: Midterm due 7 PM EST.

Week 7

February 26: Mastery Quiz Due

(Updated Feb 25 3:15! Fixed typo in 11a)

February 25: Separable Differential Equations


February 24: WeBWorK due
February 23: Differential Equations


Week 6

February 19: Mastery Quiz 5 due (updated 1:15 Feb 18)
February 18: Arc Length and Surface Area


February 17: WeBWorK due

I know it’s set to due on the 19th in the system. I’m not going to change that but you should aim to have it done on Wednesday anyway.

February 16: Improper Integrals


Week 5

February 12: Mastery Quiz 4 due
February 11: Numeric Integration


February 10: WeBWorK due
February 9: Partial Fractions


Week 4

February 5: Mastery Quiz 3 due
February 4: Trigonometric Integrals


February 3: WeBWorK due
February 2: Integration by Parts


Week 3

January 29: Mastery Quiz 2 due
January 28: L’Hospital’s Rule


January 27: WeBWorK due
January 26: Inverse Trigonometric Functions


Week 2

January 22: Mastery Quiz 1 due
January 21: Integrals with Exponentials and Logarithms


January 20: WeBWorK due
January 19: Derivatives with Exponentials and Logarithms


Week 1

January 14: The Exponential and the Logarithm


January 12: Syllabus and Inverse Functions


Course Goals

This is the second semester of a standard year-long sequence in single-variable calculus. The main topics are the behavior, derivatives, and integrals of inverse functions; advanced techniques of integration; sequences, series, and Taylor series; some applications of the integral; differential equations; and parametrized curves and polar coordinates. This corresponds to Chapters 6–11 of Stewart (primarily 6, 7, 11) and Chapters 1–7 of Herman–Strang (primarily 3, 5, 6).

By the end of the course, students will acquire the following skills and knowledge: Students will Define logarithm, exponential, and inverse trigonometric functions, explain their basic properties (continuity, derivatives, asymptotes, etc.) and recognize their graphs; Apply these functions to word problems, and correctly interpret the results; Solve integrals using integration by parts, trigonometric substitution and partial fractions; Analyze, create and recognize polar and parametric graphs; Categorize the convergence of an infinite series; Express algebraic and transcendental functions using Maclaurin and Taylor series.

The course syllabus is available here.

Course notes

Mastery Quizzes

The topics for the quizzes are:

  1. Inverse Functions
  2. Exponential and Logarithm
  3. Derivatives of Exponentials and Logarithms
  4. Integrals involving Exponentials and Logarithms
  5. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  6. L’Hospital’s rule
  7. Integration by Parts
  8. Trigonometric Integrals
  9. Partial Fractions
  10. Numeric Integration
  11. Improper Integrals
  12. Arc Length and Surface Area
  13. Separable Differential Equations
  14. Sequences
  15. Geometric and Telescoping Series
  16. Divergence and Integral Tests
  17. Comparison Test and Limit Comparison Test
  18. Absolute and Conditional Convergence
  19. Power Series
  20. Power Series as Functions
  21. Theory of Taylor Series
  22. Computing Taylor Series
  23. Applications of Taylor series
  24. Parametrization


Graphing calculators will not be allowed on tests. Scientific, non-programmable calculators will be allowed. I will have some to share, but not enough for everyone.


The official textbook for Math 1232 is Calculus, 8th edition by James Stewart (ISBN-13: 978-1285740621, ISBN-10: 1285740629). It is a very good (and very expensive) textbook. If you go on to take Calculus 2 or Multivariable Calculus at GW, you will also need this book for those classes.

Another perfectly fine book is Calculus 2, by Gilbert Strang and Jed Herman. It is available for free online here.

I will be loosely following Stewart, and will attempt to give references to both books whenever I can. I will not assign problems from either book, but both will contain many problems for if you need extra practice.

Do not purchase Calculus: Early Trancendentals, also by Stewart: it is not the same book as Calculus and it is not used in any mathematics course at GW.

This section of Math 1232 will not use WebAssign.