Daily Assignments
December 15: Final
- Final Exam
- Official time slot: 12:40 am - 2:40 pm
- I will be in the Blackboard course room during this time slot, as well as on Discord
- Practice Final
- I re-extended the second half of the WeBWork sets until the end of the week.
- Solutions to Mastery Quiz 13
December 14: Bonus Office Hours
- 11 am - 12:30 pm
- 5 pm - 6:30 pm
- Will be around on the discord basically any time for you to message me and ask questions
December 10: Quadratic Forms and Singular Value Decomposition
- Mastery Quiz 13 due at midnight
- Read one of:
- The notes §7.5-6 (Once I write them)
- LLM §7.2-4
December 8: Secretly a Friday
- WeBWorK due
- Read solutions to mastery quiz 12
December 3: Symmetric Matrices and Principal Component Analysis
- Mastery Quiz 12 due at midnight
- Read one of:
- You might also find one of these videos interesting. They don’t really go into the math behind it, but they talk a lot about when you might want to do this.
- This video by Luis Serrano is a really good explanation of PCA
- From 5:00 to about 12:15 he does an overview of the statistics concepts of mean, variance, and covariance. This isn’t really about the linear algebra, but you might find it useful anyway.
- From about 14:00 to 20:45 he does a quick overview of linear transformations, matrices, eigenvectors, and eigenvalues. You know this stuff already, but it also might be a really good review.
- At the 21 minute mark, notice how the eigenvectors automatically form an orthogonal basis!
- A good explanation of the purpose of PCA, from the perspective of data science and machine learning. Avoids a lot of the math technicalities. Focuses on how we can use a computer to do the computations for us. But has some great examples and visualizations.
- Here’s a more technical explanation of how PCA works
- He relates this all to something called Singular Value Decomposition, which is also cool, and we’ll talk about it next week.
- In step 4 at about 8:00, when he writes $CV = VD$, that’s just another way of writing the diagonalization $V^{-1}CV = D$.
- This video by Luis Serrano is a really good explanation of PCA
December 1: Least-squares solutions and linear regression
- WeBWorK due
- Read the solutions to Mastery Quiz 11
- Read one of:
- The notes §7.1-2
- LLM §6.5-6
- You may want to watch
- This video to show what a “least squares” solution really looks like.
- This video for another explanation of how projection solves regression problems.
November 24: Orthogonal Decomposition
- Read one of:
- The notes §6.4
- LLM §6.3
November 20: Mastery Quiz
- Mastery Quiz 11 due at midnight on Friday, November 20
November 19: Orthonormal bases
- Read one of:
- The notes §6.3
- LLM §6.2 and § 6.4
November 17: Inner Products
- WeBWorK due
- Read Solutions to mastery quiz 10
- Watch Essence of Linear Algebra, chapter 9: Dot Products and Duality
- Read one of:
- The notes §6.2
- LLM §6.7
- The rest of Beezer on Orthogonality
November 12: The Dot Product
- Mastery Quiz 10 due at midnight
- Read one of:
- The notes §6.1
- LLM §6.1
November 10: Diagonalization and Markov Chains
- Read solutions to mastery quiz 9
- Midterm Solutions are up
- Read one of
- The notes §5.4 and 5.5.
- LLM §5.3.
- The rest of Beezer on Simlarity and Diagonalization
November 5: Similarity and Trace
- Mastery Quiz 9 due at midnight
- Read solutions to mastery quiz 8
- Read one of
- The notes §5.2-3; you may also want to start §5.4.
- LLM second half of §5.2 “Similarity”; you may also want to start §5.3.
- The beginning of Beezer on Simlarity and Diagonalization; you may also want to look at the “Diagonalization” section.
November 3: WeBWorK due, no class
October 29: Change of Basis
- Mastery Quiz 8 due at midnight
- Watch (the rest of) the 3Blue1Brown video on change of basis
- Read one of
- The notes §5.1
- LLM § 4.7
- Back to Beezer on Change of Basis
October 27: Complex and Generalized Eigenvectors
- WeBWork due
- Read one of
- The notes § 4.3-4 (4.4 should be uploaded now).
- LLM §5.2 and §5.5
- Back to Beezer on Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, the second half
- You may find it helpful to review Beezer on complex number operations
October 22: Determinants and the Characteristic Polynomial
- No mastery quiz this week
- Read one of
- The notes § 4.2
- LLM §3.1-2
- Beezer on Determinants and Properties of Determinants
October 20: No class; midterm due
- Midterm due midnight
- Practice Midterm
- Check out the solutions of mastery quiz 6.
October 15: Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
- Mastery Quiz 6 due midnight on Thursday, October 15
- Watch Essence of Linear Algebra Chapter 14: Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
- Read one of
- The notes § 4.1
- LLM §5.1
- Beezer on Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors but note he covers things in a different order
October 13: Isomorphisms
- WeBWork due
- Check the solutions of mastery quiz 5.
- Watch the first five minutes of Essence of Linear Algebra, Chapter 13: Change of Basis to solidify some of the stuff with coordinate systems. We’ll come back and handle the rest of this video in a few weeks. (We could do the other half now, but I think it’s a bit more compelling if we have defined eigenvectors first. Feel free to watch the whole video and see if you agree.)
- Read one of:
- The notes § 3.6
- Beezer on Invertible Linear Transformations
October 8: The Matrix of a Linear Transformation
- Mastery Quiz 5 due midnight
- You may want to rewatch Linear Transformations and Matrices as a warmup.
- Read
- The notes § 3.5
- Beezer on Matrix Representations
- LLM §5.4 on “The Matrix of a Linear Transformation” and “Linear Transformations from V to V” (pages 291-3) (not terribly thorough)
October 6: Bases and Coordinates
- Check the solutions of mastery quiz 4.
- Read one of:
- The notes § 3.4
- LLM §4.4
- Beezer on Vector Representations (When Beezer writes $\mathbb{C}^n$ for the complex numbers, you can pretend he’s talking about $\mathbb{R}^n$ instead.)
October 1: Subspaces and Linear Transformations
- Mastery Quiz 4 due at midnight
- Read the notes § 3.2-3
September 29: Vector Spaces
- WeBWork due
- Take a look at the quiz 3 solutions.
- Watch Essence of linear algebra, chapter 15: Abstract Vector Spaces. (Don’t stress too much about his mentions of determinants and eigenvectors; we’ll get there.)
- Read one of:
- Notes § 3.1 * LLM §4.1 and skim §4.2-3
- Beezer on Vector Spaces, and look back at subspaces.
September 24: Bases, Dimension, and Rank
- Mastery Quiz 3 due at midnight
- Watch Inverse matrices, column space, and null space from Essence of Linear Algebra
- Read one of
September 22: Subspaces (and $LU$ factorizations)
- WeBWork due today
- Read one of
- Notes § 2.3
- LLM § 2.5
- Read one of
- Take a look at the solutions for quiz 2.
September 17: Matrix Inverses
September 15: Applications of Linear Functions
Mastery Quiz 2 Due at noon. Submit on Blackboard as one pdf file.
Read one of:
- Notes § 1.9. and §2.1
- LLM §1.10 and §2.1
September 14: Webwork due
September 10: Linear Transformations
- Watch Essence of Linear Algebra Chapter 3: Linear Transformations and Matrices
- Read one of
September 8: Solutions and independence of linear systems
- Mastery Quiz 1 Due at noon. Submit on Blackboard.
Watch Essence of Linear Algebra Chapter 2: Linear Combinations, Span, and Basis Vectors
- (We won’t talk about bases for a couple of weeks, but I actually think that this presentation is a more sensible way to think about what they’re doing. And there are some good visualizations of how to think about span and linear independence.)
- Read one of
September 3: Vectors and Matrix Equations:
- Read one of:
- LLM §1.3-1.4
- Beezer “Vector Operations”, “Linear Combinations”, “Spanning Sets”, “Matrix Operations”, “Matrix Multiplication”
- Online Notes §1.4.-1.5.
September 1: Linear Equations and Row Echelon Form
- Please read the syllabus
- Claim your account on WeBWork (Username is your GWU email, password is GWID)
- Read the introduction in the course notes.
- Watch Essence of Linear Algebra, Chapter 1 by 3Blue1Brown
- Read at least one of the following:
- Sections 1.1-2 of Lay, Lay, McDonald
- Sections “What is Linear Algebra?”, “Solving Systems of Linear Equations”, and “Reduced Row-Echelon Form” in Beezer
- Sections 1.1-3 of the online notes
- Optional/bonus: Watch this video on a technique called “Principal Component Analysis”. This is a sort of preview of what we want to be able to do by the very end of the course; it will mention a lot of ideas you haven’t been exposed to yet, but that you will see over the next few months.
Course Goals
This is a standard first course in linear algebra. The main topics are: linear equations; matrix algebra and equations; subspaces and bases; vector spaces; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; determinants; orthogonality and least squares. This corresponds to Chapters 1–7 of Lay, Lay, and McDonald.
By the end of the course, students will acquire the following skills and knowledge:
- Students will be able to find echelon forms of matrices, find a basis for the column space, row space and null space of that matrix, and determine if that matrix is invertible.
- Students will be able to determine if a set of vectors is linearly independent.
- Students will be able to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices.
- Students will be able to diagonalize a matrix and use the diagonalization techniques to solve problems in other areas of mathematics.
The course syllabus is available here.
Course notes
Mastery Quizzes
The topics for the quizzes are:
- Systems of Linear Equations
- Vector Equations and Spans
- Linear Independence
- Linear Transformations
- Matrix Multiplication
- Matrix Inverses
- Subspaces
- Basis and Dimension
- Vector Spaces and Subspaces
- Vector Space Linear Transformations
- Bases and Coordinates
- The Matrix of a Linear Transformation
- Eigenvectors and Determinants
- Characteristic Polynomials and Finding Eigensystems
- Complex and Generalized Eigenvectors
- Change of Basis
- Similarity and Trace
- Diagonalization
- Dot Product and Projection
- Inner Products
- Orthogonal Decomposition
- Mastery Quiz 13 due at midnight on Thursday, December 10
- Mastery Quiz 12 due at midnight on Thursday, December 3
- Mastery Quiz 11 due at midnight on Friday, November 20
- Mastery Quiz 10 due at midnight on Thursday, November 12
- Mastery Quiz 9 due midnight on Thursday, November 5
- Mastery Quiz 8 due midnight on Thursday, October 29
- Mastery Quiz 6 due midnight on Thursday, October 15
- Mastery Quiz 5 due midnight on Thursday, October 8
- Mastery Quiz 4 due midnight on Thursday, October 1
- Mastery Quiz 3 due midnight on Thursday, September 24.
- Mastery Quiz 2 Due at noon on Tuesday, September 15. Submit on Blackboard as one pdf file.
- Mastery Quiz 1 Due at noon. Submit on Blackboard.
- Midterm due midnight on Tuesday, October 20
- Final Exam
Graphing calculators will not be allowed on tests. Scientific, non-programmable calculators will be allowed. I will have some to share, but not enough for everyone.
The official textbook for Math 2184 is Linear Algebra and its Applications, Fifth Edition, by Lay, Lay, and McDonald (ISBN-13: 978-0321982384). I will be loosely following this book, and it will be very useful to have, but I will not be assigning problems out of it.
Another perfectly fine book is A First Course in Linear Algebra by Rob Beezer, which is available free online.